Ronald G. Preston – Repeat Sex Offender – Day Care Molester

Jurors who will hear the case against a Heyworth man charged with predatory criminal sexual assault may hear evidence of his prior convictions for molesting children, a judge said Monday.

Ronald G. Preston, 51, faces life in prison if convicted of the charges stemming from allegations that he abused a girl for several years, starting when she was five years old. He is charged with two counts of predatory criminal sexual assault, three counts of aggravated criminal sexual abuse and three counts of attempted predatory criminal sexual abuse.

Before jury selection began Monday, Judge Charles Reynard said Assistant State’s Attorney Suzanne Geller may not tell jurors in opening statements about Preston’s criminal record but the information may be used later in the trial.

Preston was convicted in 1987 of aggravated criminal sexual assault and aggravated criminal sexual abuse in 1995. He was a registered sex offender when he allegedly molested the child in the most recent case.

Among the witnesses scheduled to testify at the trial is Preston’s wife, Susan, who cared for children at the couple’s home, according to prosecutors. The victim who is under 13 years old also is expected to testify. Reynard ruled that the child may bring a teddy bear to the witness stand with her for support.

Preston has been in jail on $100,000 since his arrest in September.

Jury selection will continue this afternoon.

“25% of all sex offenders re-offend within 15 years”
………Sarah Tofte
Published in: on June 8, 2009 at 7:56 pm  Leave a Comment  

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