Troy Lee Smith, III – Repeat Sex Offender – Loses control at the park

“It wasn’t like the child was left alone,” he said.
“This child had his parents there.”

A registered sex offender who police say attacked a 4-year-old boy and then undressed in front of the boy’s shocked parents is in the Arlington Jail and could be returned to prison.

Troy Lee Smith III, 41, of Arlington was arrested on a charge of indecency with a child by contact, possession of a controlled substance and traffic warrants.

Mr. Smith was taken to John Peter Smith Hospital in Fort Worth for a medical evaluation and then transferred to the Arlington Jail, where he is being held on a $15,000 bond.

Police said Mr. Smith grabbed the boy in the groin area about 6:45 p.m. Wednesday while the child was playing catch with his father at Vandergriff Park.

“The father came to the rescue of the child, knocked the suspect down, getting the child away from him,” said Lt. Blake Miller, a spokesman for Arlington police. “The parents were within arms distance of the child when he was grabbed.”

Mr. Smith then disrobed, stood naked in the park and challenged the boy and his father to a fight, Lt. Miller said.

When police arrived, Mr. Smith refused to obey their verbal commands and officers shocked him with a Taser and took him into custody.

In 2006, Mr. Smith was sentenced in Travis County to six months in prison following his conviction of attempted indecency with a child by sexual contact. He completed his sentence in 2006. He moved to Arlington and registered with the city as a sex offender, as he is required to do through 2016.

Mr. Smith was also in compliance with two spot checks conducted this year by detectives, Lt. Miller said. However, he was not on parole and did not face any other restrictions.

News of Mr. Smith’s behavior and arrest raised concern Thursday around the Arlington neighborhood near Vandergriff Park. The park, which features baseball fields, a pool, tennis courts and picnic areas, is one of the city’s most popular spots for families.

“I can’t believe anybody would do anything like that with the parents there,” said Holly Wyant, 38, of Arlington. “The guy is a sex offender, so he should not be allowed at the park.”

She is vowing to keep a closer watch on her three young children who visited Vandergriff Park on Thursday because they like the swimming pool.

“Kids are trapped inside these days because you have to protect them from all the people out there who are unsafe,” Ms. Wyant said.

City Council member Robert Rivera’s District 3 seat includes the park, as well as the 76014 ZIP code where Mr. Smith lives. The ZIP code is home to 38 registered sex offenders.

Mr. Smith’s home on Shenandoah Drive is less than a mile from four elementary schools, but officials said his residence did not violate any restrictions about where sex offenders can live.

Nevertheless Mr. Rivera, who grew up near Vandergriff Park and often played there as a youngster, said that he would ask the city’s legal staff to review the ordinances regarding registered sex offenders and the places they can visit.

“We need to ensure the safety of everyone in Arlington,” Mr. Rivera said, adding that he was shocked when he learned of Wednesday’s brazen assault. “This situation is unfortunate.

“It wasn’t like the child was left alone,” he said. “This child had his parents there.”

“25% of all sex offenders re-offend within 15 years”
………Sarah Tofte

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